Gold Series is a collection of educational games created by Scetlander (Later known as Lander Software), designed to make learning English and Maths fun and easy on computer. Each different game focuses on a particular learning subject. The games can have their difficulty settings configured accordingly to coincide with a player's skill and cater for various age groups. ==Chracters== *Henrietta - A crafty lady, who always comes to aid Henry when he's in trouble. *Hopeless Henry - Henrietta's boyfriend and then husband. Loves reading, but is a magnet for trouble. *John the Parrot - A large parrot who is determined to thwart Henry and Henrietta's wedding. *Morgana the Morbid - An evil witch who turns Henry into a frog. *Cedric the Skeleton - Morgana's servant and assistant. *Professor Grime - A mad robotics scientist who keeps Morgana's wand safely locked up in a vault. *Hal - Grime's rival who sets out to retrieve the five keys to the vault. *Maggie - A sea serpent. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Gold Series」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク